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Bolans Primary School SCHOOL

About OUr School

The Antigua Bolans Primary School School is a non-profit institution managed by the Southern Leeward Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. The school is accredited as part of the world-wide Adventist education system.

Principal: Lisa Bakowski (


Location: St. Johns Antigua

Telephone: 1 268-462-4120


School Hours: M-F: 8am – 3pm

Our History

In 1934, the Seventh-day Adventist Educational work begun with the establishment of a primary school by the St. John’s SDA Church. D. A. Baptiste was the Pastor at the time. The school opened with approximately sixty-seven students and one teacher—Miss Elsie James, a graduate of Caribbean Training College now University of the Southern Caribbean. The school was housed in the church building at Church Street. As the enrolment increased, Miss Trephina Nanton, now Josiah (by marriage), was added to the staff. The school continued to be operated by the St. John’s SDA Church until 1969 when the sister churches on the island joined in the operation.

In 1970, the St. John’s SDA church was relocated to Nevis Street and the building at Church Street was used solely for the school. For many years the people of Antigua were pushing for a secondary school. Their efforts bore fruit when in 1974 four students wrote the G.C.E. examinations and were successful at the secondary level.

In 1983 the school was relocated to new quarters at Mary Pigott Street, in Ottos. In 1984, it celebrated its 50th anniversary and in 1988 it gained accreditation by the Board of Regents, Department of Education of the General Conference of SDA.

Because of positive results at both the primary and secondary level, the demand for space became a problem. Many Seventh-day Adventist parents were unable to send their children to the SDA School because there was simply not enough space. By 2004 the enrollment had reached over 800. There was evidently the need for another school on the island. The New Bethel SDA Church responded to the challenge and in 2005 the New Bethel Academy was opened with ninety five students. By 2007, the enrollment had reached over 200. Adventist Education is moving forward in Antigua and Barbuda. To God be the Glory!


Bolans Primary School School exists to prepare students for life here on earth and in heaven by creating an atmosphere to nurture the spiritual, social, mental and physical development of the students, thus preparing them for service.

A Word

From Our Principal

” Message from principal here. “

– Nicholsa Roberts